Florida Legal Information - Steven deLaroche
Frequently Asked Questions - Incorporation in Florida

Criminal Defense, Business Law, and Family Law from an experienced attorney in Daytona Beach, contact Steven deLaroche, Attorney at Law at 386-947-0909.

Incorporating a Business in Florida

It's exciting to be creating a new company. Part of incorporating a new company in Florida is making sure the ownership documents, corporation papers, and, if applicable, partnership agreements, will protect you legally.

One of the first decisions is whether you set it up as a Florida S or C Corporation, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a DBA. Each has certain advantages depending upon your personal situation, whether you have partners involved, your tax status, and, even if you have a blended family, which is common these days.

The State of Florida offers instructions and filing samples to meet the minimum requirements for incorporating a business. But, these are simply the minimum needed to meet their requirements. They may not meet your specific needs to protect you legally and financially.

Beyond starting your new business I can also help you with lease negotiations, business contracts, Buy/Sell agreements, and labor law.

As a former county judge, I understand what judges are looking for in business and contract disputes.

Before you leap into your new venture, call me to review your specific situation to guide you on the creation of your new company. Together with your tax and accounting professionals, I can help you set yourself up for success while protecting you from legal issues down the road.