Florida Legal Information - Steven deLaroche
Frequently Asked Questions - Reckless Driving in Florida

Criminal Defense, Business Law, and Family Law from an experienced attorney in Daytona Beach, contact Steven deLaroche, Attorney at Law at 386-947-0909.

How to defend a reckless driving charge

Reckless driving charges in Florida can be serious depending on the circumstances.

  • As a second degree misdemeanor the maximum penalty can be a $1,000 fine and a six-month jail sentence. 
  • If it is a first degree misdemeanor than you could get up to a year of probation, or go to jail for up to one year. You could also be fined up to $1,000. 
  • A felony reckless driving conviction can result in you going to prison for up to five years or five years of probation and a fine of up to $5,000.

Having a good criminal attorney can help you get the best possible outcome for a reckless driving charge.